We produce lots of video content for our clients, on all manor of subjects – but nothing we have done to date has had quite such a significant impact or made us as proud, as this Paediatric First Aid film we recently developed for award winning nursery group Kids Allowed. It literally helped a parent save the life of their 18 month old boy, the day after the video was published on YouTube.
The video was commissioned by Kids Allowed founder and CEO Jennie Johnson, to support the great work of Millie’s Trust – a charity dedicated to promoting the importance of paediatric first aid. It’s also to be used as a refresher training video for Kids Allowed staff as well as a valuable resource for parents.
The video was published on 14th February and promoted on the Facebook pages of both Kids Allowed and Millie’s Trust. Within 24 hours it had well over 1,500 views, one of whom was a lady called Kirra, who watched the film in the morning of 15th February. That afternoon the unthinkable happened; her 18 month old son started to choke on the top of a plastic container and because she had watched the paediatric first aid video, Kirra was able to apply the techniques demonstrated and help her son – who thank goodness was fine. You can read Kirra’s account of what happened in this moving message to Millie’s Trust.
Ask yourself this question – would you know what to do if your child, grand child, nephew, niece or friends children were choking or needed CPR? If your answer is no, please take just 15 minutes to watch this paediatric health and safety video.